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Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon

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Rocket and Wal Rus hunt through the Loonies' Masquerade for Lylla and her captor, Blackjack O'Hare. We get some more exposition, recapping the first issue. Wal scans for Lylla, but she and O'Hare are in one of the parade floats, heavily shielded. A native of the planet Halfworld in the Keystone Quadrant, Rocket Raccoon is a longtime member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, usually serving as the team's strategist. Blackjack O'Hare 4.


Classification: Extraterrestrial invertebrates (see commentsbelow)

Location/Base of Operations: Underground tunnels of Halfworld

Known Members: None named, though at least two are knownto exist.

Affiliations: Blackjack O'Hare, Lylla, Rocket Raccoon,Wal Russ (actually, they're affiliated with anyone willing to sit on themand allow them to transport their passengers around Halfworld's cavernsand tunnels).

First Appearance: Rocket Raccoon#3 (July, 1985)

Powers/Abilities: None known, though they can somehow 'hear'high-pitched whistles despite the fact they have no visible ears, or ear-likepatches (like some reptiles have) to detect sound with.

Traits: The Wild Worms are gigantic (seemingly) invertebratesresembling Terran earthworms, but with visible mouths. They have no eyes(species that lives their whole lives underground usually don't have thembecause they have no use for them in a lightless environment) but do have'whiskers' on either side of their mouths to tell them where the tunnelwalls are in relation to their heads. Presumably they can feel vibrationsfrom the ground through their bodies (which isn't the same thing as beingable to hear someone whistling through the air). They produce slimefrom their bodies, presumably to eat and digest the dirt they burrow through. The Worms wear saddles over their pleasure centers, which when someonesits on them gives the worms a wild thrill. It is unrevealed if theWorms are in any way sentient.

History: The history of the Wild Worms is currently unrevealed,though apparently they have been giving passengers rides through the tunnelsof Halfworld for years.

(Rocket Raccoon#3) - On board his ship the Rakk 'n' Ruin, RocketRaccoon and Co. (Wal Russ, Lylla the otter, and Blackjack O'Hare) wereattacked by the combined forces of toy moguls Judson Jakes and Lord Dyvyne. To escape, O'Hare directed Rocket to a specific crater in Halfworld's badlands,and had everyone drop down it under cover of a self-destructing Rakk 'n'Ruin. Once in the crater, O'Hare whistled loudly, and summoned twonearby Wild Worms to take them away from their approaching attackers. The Worms eventually arrived at an underground elevator shaft located ina garbage dump on the robots' side of Halfworld, and left their passengersthere to continue their quest to stop the toy war between Jakes and Dyvyne.

Comments: Created by Bill Mantlo (writer), Mike Mignola(penciler), and Al Gordon (inks).

I'm not enough of a science/biology whiz to guess whether the Wild Wormsshould be classified as invertebrates (in which case they have a LOT ofsilicon -- or some similar metal -- in their bodies to support their weightand not get squished by gravity overtime they moved), or vertebras (theycould have a skeletal structure similar to snakes, I guess). Anyoneout there with the requisite training willing to take a guess at this problem?
I'm no zoologist, but you're reasoning is sound. Smaller animals can survive without bones b/c they don't need a lot of strength to support their bodies. The Wild Worms would either have to have some sort of internal support structure or be composed of stronger materials.
Earthworms are Annelids. --Snood

Profile by Elf with a Gun.


No known connection to

  • White Worm, vampiric creature @ Blade: Vampire Hunter II#½
  • Worm, Savage Land Mutates, former agent of Zaladane. secretemucus from hands that allows him to control others it contacts, worm-likelower half of body @ Uncanny X-Men#250
  • Worm (Winston Hobbes), mutant, District X, former tunnel dweller,abandoned by parents, raised at St. Jerome's until escaped, went on a violentrampage until killed by Ismael Ortega monstrous form, sharp claws, poisonvenom @ District X#7
  • Worm of Darkness - see DARK-CRAWLER @ Marvel Fanfare I#8
  • Worm Man, Communist (?) spy, used shrinking potion,lost potion while trapped at tiny size took potion to shrink in size @ Strange Tales I#78
  • Worms of Earth, sub-human race, possible descendants of Dagonor one of the Elder races. Bran Mak Morn stole their Black Stone to forcethem to kill Titus Sulla, they destroyed his village and slaughtered hispeople and drove him mad @ Savage Sword of Conan#16/4
  • Worms of the Earth of Earth-Nightside, unknown nature, summoned by LittlePeople @ Nightside#2
  • Any other 'wild' or 'worm' characters/races

Gold strike casino tunica ms reviews 2018. images:
Rocket Raccoon#3, p6, pan5 (main image)
Rocket Raccoon#3, p7, pan1 (head shot)

Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon Deterrent

Rocket Raccoon#3 (July, 1985) - by Bill Mantlo (writer), Mike Mignola(penciler), Al Gordon (inks), Carl Potts (editor)

Last updated:08/19/07

Any Additions/Corrections? please letme know.

Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon Trap

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